Party Party
Terms Conditions Party Party gives you the opportunity to meet more friends/contacts locally as well as nationally enabling you to communicate after meeting in person. As friends bring in their friends this will give you more opportunities to meet interesting people.

We together can create the most honest and fun Party. It is a fact that some people won’t get on so those that do can create their own private parties. The more social and business contacts people have in an area the better for all.

We reserve the right to remove subscription (after warning) to anyone being abusive, racist, lying cheating and bullshiting. We have all had enough of the divisions, it’s time to get on and Party.

We are not here to rip you off… and we don’t expect our subscribers to do it to others either. We provide the tools and information to make your area better, ultimately giving you a MP worth voting for that will look after yours and others interests!

Be Honest… Work Hard… and Party Party!

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